Act as One to build a prosperous, non-racial and secure future for all South Africans.

My husband sometimes say I want to put a plaster on the world. When I see something wrong in our society, I want to fix it. I want make our world a better place.

I’ve spent the past decade serving my community through charitable organisations, and as a councillor in the City of Johannesburg, dedicated to issues of uplifting underprivileged communities, skills development and animal welfare.

I have fought against women abuse, fought against corruption, fought against government incompetence, and fought against the waste of our taxes.

Today I am joining ActionSA and Herman Mashaba so that I can take the fight for a prosperous and inclusive South Africa to the next level.

I believe that ActionSA shares my vision for a City and Country that serves all its people.

A City that responds to the needs of citizens, where everyone is provided dignity through quality services, and where our rates and taxes are used responsibly to build a thriving city.

A country where our legal system works, our women are safe, our boarders are secure, and our education system equips young people for success.

I believe that ActionSA, under the ethical leadership of Herman Mashaba, is the only party capable of building the kind of South Africa I want to live in, and that I want my children to live in.

It is a party that believes in giving ordinary South Africans a voice in shaping their collective future.

Join me in joining ActionSA. Let us Act As One to build a country we can all be proud of.


Important NOTICES that affect you in your home and community 


Important FINANCE information that affects all in the community


How to log FAULTS that affect you in your home and community 


Important BYLAWS that affect you in your home and community